Tips on Construction of Pavements with Geogrids

Pavements are a part of our daily life, but the construction of one involves a great deal of research and effort. There are many types of pavements, and the purpose of building one might also differ; however, the concept has been around since ancient times. One of the main factors that affects the construction of pavements is the underlying soil. The fact that this is not consistent at all places complicates the construction of pavements. 

Geogrids are often used in the construction of earth retaining structures to improve performance and structural integrity. This includes applications like railroads and pavements. The use of Geogrids within a pavement system is essential for geo-synthetics, separation and reinforcement. This article offers more information on pavement designs with Geogrids and benefits of seeking help from a geotechnical engineering firm in Sydney.

Pavement Design with Geogrids

A pavement is expected to absorb shock; hence it is designed such that it transmits the load to the sub-base and soil. Material like gravel, sand, and compacted crushed stones, asphalt, & tar are commonly used to achieve this. Besides this, the pavement can either be flexible or rigid. Here are a few tips for this:

  • The true measure of the implications of the Geogrid properties can be assessed by the performance rather than the lab tests. There are many variables to consider for pavement design & construction; hence the best method of finding the best solution with Geogrids is by extensive tests and research. Place the Geogrid into the pavement to ensure the effectiveness; it is affected by the variable factors in the pavement like particle size, Geogrid interaction, variation in wheel load, etc.

  • It is quite common to pay attention to the terms used by the Geogrid manufacturers like stabilisation, reinforcements, interlock, flexible & right geogrids, stiffness, strength, etc. however, there is no standard on how to interpret them. It is vital to refer to the publication of ISO 10318 to put this information into context.

  • Avoid solely using the Geogrid index properties for the purpose of pavement design since the values of any single property does not correspond to a performance measure. It is a combination of several factors that help one design high-performance pavements.

Benefits of Using Geogrids for Pavements

  • Ensures a solid construction platform by reducing the undercutting of poor soils.

  • Helps protect the soft subgrade soils.

  • Effective in reinforcing the pavement base with the stiffening of aggregate base.

  • The ideal method to help achieve long pavement life.

  • The thickness of the pavement can also be reduced with this method.

  • Increase the bearing capacity by increasing the soil strength & seismic durability to improve safety.

It makes sense to seek help from the professionals offering Geotechnical site investigation services. This includes a wide range of tests, like soil permeability testing. There are several factors tested like the fluid flow through the soil mass. It also provides vital information regarding water seepage, which is essential for any construction site.

In fact, the results of these tests are vital for the construction of dams, retaining walls to ensure one can minimise the problems that might arise during natural disasters like floods. Those involved in pavement design can also benefit from contacting a geotechnical engineer in Sydney to deal with common issues like soil moisture, texture, structure and porosity.


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